It's been a while since I have played a game of this caliber.

User Rating: 10 | Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (Platinum) PS3
This was simply an amazing end to an amazing series, there was just so many great parts to this game, first lets talk about the gameplay, it's a usual metal gear game, most of each part is you sneaking around to get to a certain place to go and as usual it works very well, my only complaint is that the controls seem to feel a little aged, they just don't feel very comfortable compared to a game like Uncharted where it's very simple to control your character, this one just makes some of the stealth parts feel like they can't reach their full potential, but other then that there are no flaws. The voice acting is as usaual superb, all the characters are intresting and have something special to them, thats what happens when you make good storys. Speaking of storys the story on this game is simply unbelivable, nobody is shocked to hear that Metal Gear has a great story, (In fact it is often criticized by some people who say they focus too much on the story then the gameplay), in fact it's better then unbelivable, It's such an amazing story there are no words to describe it you need to go out there and buy a copy of this game and see what I mean, it's simply mind numbing.

The gameplay is also amazing the stealth mode is made a little bit easier with octocamo, it automatically camouflages you to the envoirnment you are next too, it helps you quite a bit through most of the game. Another thing they did well with this game is that it is easy to buy the gun you need, you go to Drebins shop and you buy one, it's just nice to not have it complicated as it can be in some games. The boss battles were outstanding each one was special in its own way and all of them were just really fun in my opinion, each boss had a different fighting style and each one was just worth fighting, I did find it kind of weird that you had to kill them with no defenses in the end but it was no big deal just a bit strange, also not to be sexist, but why were they all women this just seemed strange to me especially since most bosses in todays society are always usually men, and like I said there is nothing wrong with that but for some reason its just strange to me, I really liked the story they would tell at the end of the boss battle to tell how they got their name, it was intriguing and it almost made you feel bad for them and I just really liked it.

What Hideo Kojima really did with this game was made a true cinematic movie that you were truly in hypothetically of course. I truly at some points almost felt like snake I felt the urgency of what was going on it felt like Liquid Ocelot just could not be stopped and I could also feel the helplessness. As you get to the end of the game (Spoiler Alert) you go to try to hack into the system Ocelot now controls, it definitely does not look good it seems impossible everything is going wrong not just for Snake but for everyone. The story is made so well in every aspect in fact it's flawless and this part shows why the music compliments the scene so well and like I said shows that maybe the heroes can't win this but in the end by some miracle snake makes it and Naomi who was belived to be an enemy ends up getting rid of the whole system I don't want to give everything away so we will move on, after that you have a boss battle with Liquid Ocelot and this is an all out brawl no guns just an old fashioned showdown, the fighting mechanics aren't the best I've ever played with but they actually worked quite well for what they were. The music pulls you in and it is just an epic boss battle, did I say epic, epic does not describe what it truly is, it's God like, that's how amazing the battle is, after you beat ocelot, the ending comes up and it may be one of the best endings ever It was simply beautiful and I would be lying if I did not say I was a little bit emotional at the end of the game.
What you get after all of this is a simple masterpiece I loved this game, there is no excuse that a gamer should have to not play this game, so if you are a gamer do yourself a favor and go buy and immerse yourself in this truly amazing masterpeice.