MGS:DGN Is Excellent and A Great New Gene To Add To The Handheld World.
The Story Is a little different from what we know about the original story. With Out spoiler Master Miller Joins Snake in the odds of shadow Moses unlike the orignal Hes dead . The action pack UMD is what every MGS fan will ever need. The Only thing I wish this could Of had was voice acting at lease at some moments of the comic movie such as boss fights and such. But it is great.
The Memory Building Simulation mode is intersting. I my Self has only unlocked about 115 out of 300 in coulding the fox memorys ( secret items ). Its basicaly a Libary of Metal Gear History Nothing Much but it will put you into a deeper point of view of the MGS storyline.
Well to finsh it , I suggest a Hardcore fan of MGS (as I am) to BUY THIS!! but if your just a person whos played the games and never cared much for it or any other reason for not being in depth with the game RENT it or just dont bother cause theres a chance you may not considered it to be good cause its another form of a remake.
Gameplay: 5 - because there aint much of it . Its not a Game only gameplay is in the memory system and thats all.
Graphics:10- because this is the first of its gene the artwork that is some what 3D is hot and unique.
Sound:10- it is as top noch as any MGS title (guns blazing)
Value/tilt: 10/10 - Well im a fan of the series and seeing a different version of a great story was pleasent to me. The music which keeps you in the moment is great but as i said on top buy only if your a hardcore fan.