dull, boring and pointless The only bad Metal Gear game
Metal Gear Solid was a great story but as been over used again and again. First thing is if you haven't play MGS on the Playstation or MGS TTS on the Gamecube play them. Don't buy this game if you want to know the story. The story has been mixed around so much it doesn't make as good as MGS for the PS. They have added some parts to the story which just don't fit in.
What gameplay. There's nothing to do. There are two ways of playing it. Sit there and watch a story which most people know by now or you can press square again and again to get information which you all know by now.
They look good, you can zoom it, however nothing is really happening.
These are old sounds from MGS TTS. No new sounds.
The only value here is for hardcore MGS fans. The problem here is that most MGS fans have played MGS to death.
My notes
This is a poor version of the MGS story which as been over used. It feels like bad really bad. I just hope they make MGS PO better.