Snake Eater in HD alone makes this a must own package.
No doubt most gamers will hit MGS2 first & that's understandable, however once I got to the big shell with girly looking Raiden I felt less inclined to put up with the wretched controls. It's strange I played both MGS 2 & 3 one time back when they were originally released & I remember nothing of Snake Eater yet plenty of Sons Of Liberty. Maybe because MGS2 is full of frustrating moments & you think " oh yeah I remember this sh*tty bit." So I've yet to complete this game again.
Snake Eater on the other hand is an absolute beauty of a game. An all time great. It suffers from similar issues MGS2 had like bad controls (though twin analogue this time), too many cut scenes & a ridiculous story but the setting, being snake & the epicness of the adventure make it easy to look past these flaws this time. I have serious love for this game.
Peace Walker is also awesome. It is different from the other two games but it's very addictive in it's design & seems to borrow from other games a little but in a good way. You do small missions in segments & unlock items, cash & personnel for your army. Peace Walker has one of the coolest game play ideas ever. You take down these huge AI bosses & when you floor them you get to go inside it's pod & remove parts for your own mech which can be used in missions for your army. Also, once the ludicrous story is done with (Hot Coldman anyone) the game keeps on giving. Missions just keep getting unlocked & you can carry on with base, mech & army upgrades. Brilliant stuff. However, whats with that 17 year old barbie doll Paz. That is a doll & doesn't look human at all. Odd stuff. Guess that's Japanese games for you.
Visually Snake Eater is king here. It's up there with an average looking 360 game & those animations are still very impressive. It's aged very well. Peace Walker can't be expected to look good as it's a PSP game originally but the wicked game play make up for this. Sons Of Liberty however needed some more anti aliasing. It obviously looks better than it originally did on PS2 but an extra layer of AA wouldn't have harmed especially when it's labelled as HD.
This package is worth it just for Snake Eater alone. Peace Walker is fantastic though & Sons of Liberty is there if needed & I will probably finish it again one day. All in all I'm very pleased to have these amazing games. Now all I need is a PS3 so I can play MGS4. Gotta make this happen.