You need to ask yourself two questions...
I'm not a fan of HD reboots. I just find them to be a marketing ploy to squeeze even more money out of you. They give a tiny bit of a polish on the graphics and then slap a £25-£35 price tag on them, thinking they can get away with it.
I personally think these people should be shot, for their greedy ways. But you can't stop the world going round, eh?
So, your probably thinking, "your a hypocrit for buying these then aren't you?" and you'd probably be half right.
I fell pray to this collection because MGS is probably the greatest games franchise of all time --albeit up for debate-- They are intelligent, well crafted games, with tones and tones of layers. Few games franchises have managed to get to the top from the off and consistantly hold their grip of being the best at what they do.
But, I won't lie, I tried holding back on the purchase. A massive percentage of the gamers today will have played these games when they were first release, and makes you wonder why it's worth playing them again, and paying top buck for them again.
Lets pick the collection apart and see.
Reasons to Buy:
-All the games are the definitive versions:
meaning it's the Substance and Subsistance packages; VR missons, Snake tales for MGS2 and on MGS3 the 3D camera, and the original MG and MG2 games that were on the SNES. These were great versions, and if you never played the add-on packs of these games, it's one insentive to lean toward buying the game.
-MGS: Peace Walker is now ported in HD on a console:
this game is just a smidge away from being my favourite MGS. It was amazing. Had this actually been developed for a console --with proper cutscenes-- and I'd have said it was my fave. But this is the perfect way to play this masterpiece. If you never had a PSP then this is another reason to purchase it.
Yes, this is what MGS fans have been dying for with MGS4. But you get the chance to play these classics, while unlocking trophies.
The reasons not to buy the game:
-MGS2 add-on is dated:
Unfortunately, this is true. The game itself is still a masterpiece, but the Substance add-on was never that good. Snake Tales was something I was never massive on. poor tacked on stories, using skins from MGS2. Annoying to play, too. The VR missions are ok, but soon wear thin.
-The Prices:
It's expensive. There is no doubt about it. £30 is not cheap -and even the most hardcore will have to think about it. I know I did.
Final Thoughts:
If you --like me-- played ever single game, add-on, what-have-you the series has churned out I would recommend holding back on this one. At least till it drops to £20. On the flip side of things, I heard it has a limited amount of stock --alot like how the add-on games when: once they go, they go. And only go up in price-- so the risk is up to you.
If you played the games but never played the add-ons or PW, it's well worth considering the game. It has plenty of things to do besides just the games themselves.
If you never played any of these game, then I'm afraid, you are going to have to buy this game collection. Or I will hunt you down and CQC you. It is a collection of utter stella classics. And you need to go out now and buy it. GO-GO-GO!!!