5 games(mgs2,3,pw and mg1 & 2) for $50!? costs you less than most games and you get 5 classics? HELL YEAH!!!!!

User Rating: 9.5 | Metal Gear Solid HD Collection PS3
I just started playing these, got the game yesterday. So far better than I expected. MGS 3 is probably my fav. Does that mean the others suck? NO! If you've never played these games but played mgs 4, you're probably confused by the story. I know I was. The games are pretty hard, but I gave it a just right difficulty, cuz in mgs3 you get 6 difficulties to chose from. If you enter mgs 3s menu you can find the 1st and 2nd metal gears. And not snakes revenge, that american rip off. The actual mg 2 on the msx is in the game. I don't really know how to describe this collection. I'm not very good with words. Peace walker's adaption from the psp has left enviroments looking kind of, bland. The psps small 4.3" screen to my big 60"? Too much emptiness. metal gear solid 2's graphics aren't very good, but the game was never in 3d in the 1st place. Snake eater's awesome boss fights make it worth all that hard work taken to beat them. Peace walkers new online mode's pretty good I guess, but only 6 people per match? That's BS. I don't really know what to say now, but just pick up the game if you enjoy the metal gears.