Metal Gear Solid, a name of legend.
Now I have played every MGS game that has come out to date and loved or liked them all. I had the collection of ps2 games before this collection as well and am once more delving into the MGS world. For some one who has never played the games I do very very highly recomend them to shooter fans and even platformer fans and even rpg gamers alike, while its not nessaserily any of thoughs MGS has it seems some thing for everyone. It has a very rich deep story spaning 5 games 7 if you count the origanal 2 that also come in this pack metal gear and metal gear 2 solid snake from the nes. But its not just the story its how its told and the human/charicture factors that make the games so imversive. Hideo Kojima is very very good at what he dose and you will get so sucked into the stroy that it can at time be hard to tell what is fiction and what is truth about the world and the govornment.
While it is a stelth heavy based seaires you can if you like go for in a way the most part guns blazing thru most of it but just like real combat it will make things a lost harder. but dont let that kill things for you the steath and how it is used is very nicely exicuted. 2 draw backs if you can call them that to the HD collection is that there is no online play for any of the game but peace walker, where as there used to be for some others, and Metal Gear Sold 1 is not with the pack although you can just get it off the psn for 9.99.
visualy the games look awsome even in there ps2 days they did, you can still tell they where ps2 games but its easy to forget that fact rather qucikly. as for peace walker the game that went from a psp up to a ps3. I was very happily suprised at how well it took the transfer from psp to ps3 its beautiful, again a bit notice able that it was one in the visuals at times but nothing horrible at all.
They have also packed in quite a few extras with the hd collection from vr misstions for almost all the games to Snake Tales to full trophy suport for all 3 big titles. the game play its self has not changed and that is a very good thing the game where never buggy or messed up in any sense.
If your a old MGS lover who wasent sure about this, from one to another i say whats the hold up? its a masterpiace even if you have playied thru them all. If your new to the games now is a awsome time to delve into Solid Snakes world and be swept away by the wonderful intense tactical espianage action and story. though i do recoment you get the first MGS from the psn and MGS 4 as well to compleat the searies because its one heck of a ride in every sense.