When i write this review i have a weird taste at my tongue.. This is like a game/movie about the new world order and ...
When you play this games and compare them to the others(remeber this is a PSP game) then this game is rather big and amazing! ill say it again, this is on a PSP! i dont know what kojima is made of, but he impress me all the times..
maybe its my love for japan, but rather not, because i have never seen a person like kojima before.. well other then myself...
lets go back to the history in metal gear solid, i dont want to spoil nothing, but it always comes back, the conspiracy that is... remember the russian scientist who wanted to build a big machine(robocop times 100!that is) in the old games? well they are quit hidden but if you think of the history as i do, then somethings on with this game..... the collapse and the agents who want to safe the world...snake,raiden,vampires... its like a matrix film and real, but not quit real... its hard to explain, but i have no doubt that somethings with this game and the reel world!
Russia is moving, and we need snake right now...
Dont miss out on this game, its amazing and deffently the best game on PSP.
Not to spoil anything, if i did then i am sorry.