Maybe the Deepest Metal Gear Solid ever!

User Rating: 9 | Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker PSP
Gameplay = 8/10
Solid gameplay. So deep and would last a long long time.
Camera and Controls are kinda shaky at the beginning but later you will get used to them, and they will be a piece of cake.
As every MGS, you can play your way in a stealthy fashion or you can go on blazing with guns and rockets. It's totally up to you.

Boss fights are on the hard side, and all of them are AI machines, Choppers or Tanks... That kinda a let down because the personality of the bosses that Kojima got us used to is missing in this chapter.
(End Spoilers)

Story = 8/10
Great story. Not solid, because the story have it downs between now and then. Not A MGS5 kinda story, but in the end: it's not bad at all.
Also, in order to really finish the story, you have to go through all the extra missions to unlock a secret that shows something related hugely to the story.
You must notice; that you need to play the whole series in order to fully understand the story.
(I don't write much on the story side to avoid spoilers.)

Graphics = 10/10
Fantastic! A really good work for the PSP. The in game graphics are super, and the cut scenes used the novel (Comics) style which adds a little flavor to the scenes.

Sound & Music = 10/10
Epic like every MGS. The explosions, guns, voice acting... all are super!
Soundtracks and music are really good for this one. My favorite one is Zero Allies.

Lasting = 10/10
It will take you like 15-20 hours to finish the story, but there is more... I say MORE!! After the story (or during) there are extra missions, they are nearly 120 missions. It will take you more than 50-60 hours to finish all of them. Not forgetting the time in order to finish certain missions with a Special rank in order to achieve/unlock certain weapon/item. So to finish it 100%, it will take you nearly 70-100 hours! IMO, the deepest MGS game!

* Multi-player: Here I must tell that the game has multi-player. Things will be much easier if two or more played this game. It is not required, but as I said it will make it easier. But sadly, only Ad-hoc connection is available, that means no Online, only people who are around you can join your game. There is an Ad-Hoc party (software for PS3), but that requires a PS3 and a wired connection!

Overall = 9/10
This is one of the best PSP games available! Deep and can be played on the go. If you don't have a PSP, get one for Peace Walker! It is for sure one of the best games in 2010.