Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops +-Review

User Rating: 9 | Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Plus PSP
This follow up game to the original MGSPO is more of an expansion pack rather than a single game. To get the just of the game I would first purchase the original game and then go from there.
MGSPO+ includes no story mode but instead a mode called infinity mission. In infinity mission you will first have to complete it on easy then other difficulties will be unlocked as you progress. There are four difficulty modes,EASY-NORMAL-HARD and EXTREME. easy consists of 5 simple levels to get you into the game (more of a tutorial than anything else.) Normal is 10 levels long and tests what you have learned. Hard will test your ability to sneak past the enemies and reach your goal, with 15 tensifying levels which will test you to the max. However there is more.EXTREME mode is the hardest of the lot, it is 20 levels long and is aimed to put your Metal Gear Solid knowledge to the test, as you pass your way through randomly picked levels.
The last level of every difficulty has you fight against the enemy soldiers, with the target to either kill them or knock them out. The amount of enemies depend on which difficulty mode you are on, the harder the mode, the more enemies.
The aim of infinity mission is to reach the goal, which could be right next to you or all the way over the other side of the map...who knows? The goal is a red lit square with a cross above and can be found with your sound surround indicator on the top right corner of your screen. The goal emits sound on your indicator, but who knows that it isn't just the sound of near by enemy?
The game still has alert mode which in certain missions is on constantly. These special missions come right before an intermission screen, where you can replenish your health and satmina with collected items, and sort out your team and weaponary. Unlike the original MGSPO you can't take any weaponary or items into battle with you. Everything you need must be procured from the levels you go through. Weapons can be taken from enemies by making them "shake" their items off or by knocking them out and then taking the items from them.
Porable Ops + brings in new characters,items and abilities. Lets talk about the abilities. There are 2 new abilities that certain soldiers have :HEADHUNTER-can detect enemies abilities
ACUPUNCTURIST- can heal allies with tranquilizer shots
These abilities help make the possibilties of a perfect squad even more realistic and possible. Now you can start your own army! weapons-:MK23-Like the MK22 but kills rather than stunning

:P90-A new concept light firearm with no scope, can pierce helmets and bulletproof armour at a range of around 200 metres.

:FAMAS-A 5.56 caliber assault rifle. It's shape has earned the FAMAS the nickname "trumpet".

:M4A1:An improved model of the M4 carbine.Standard shoulder arm for special forces.

:AKS74-U-The AKS74-U is based on the AK-47. Is a smaller, modified version of the AK-47 designed for tank and helicopter crews who need small but powerful protection.

:M4A1(SOPMOD)-An M4A1 with an improved kit designed with the Navy SEALs in mind. It features a built in rail system to accomodate various kinds of attachments-Laser illumination,grenade launcher, vertical grip...e.t.c.

Now with the new weapons over and done with there are also some new items,... here they are:)

:HEART OF JUSTICE-A heart filled with a burning sense of justice. Evokes the user's true form. Only seems to work on soldiers wearing white.(Genome soldiers)

:FASHION MAGAZINE-Once read everyone takes it's effect. For the modern day to day fashion conscious soldier.

:BATTERY-Can only be picked up when needed (for Stealth/Mine detector) anything that uses a battery will be in full use again.

:FULTON-Can be collected only on infiity missions (used to escape from bettle and retreat safely back to the truck.

New characters have also been added to this action packed follow up. Here is the full list of 68 possible soldiers:)

Naked Snake Teliko
Null Venus
EVA Cunningham
Para-Medic Sigint
Ocelot Sokolov
Major Zero Roy Campbell
Raikov Jonathan
Gene Gako Camo Soldier(Gako-pattern Camo suit)
Python High Official
Ursula Gurlukovich Soldier
Elisa SEAL
Raiden Johnny
Old Snake High-Tech Soldier
Tengu Soldier KGB Soldier
GRU Soldier Special Camo Soldier
Local Soldier
USSR Male Soldier A
USSR Male Soldier B
USSR Male Soldier C
USSR Male Soldier D
FOX Unit Soldier A
FOX Unit Soldier B
FOX Unit Soldier C
Female Officer A
Female Officer B
Female Officer C
Male Scientist A
Male Scientist B
Male Scientist C
Female Scientist A
Female Scientist B
Female Scientist C Maintenance Crew Member A Maintenance Crew Member B
Maintenance Crew Member C
High-Rank Officer A
High-Rank Officer B High-Rank Officer C
USSR Female Soldier A
USSR Female Soldier B
USSR Female Soldier C
USSR Female Soldier D
USSR Female Soldier E
USSR Female Soldier F(No Jacket)
Genome Soldier(White)
Genome Soldier(Red)
Genome Soldier(Yellow)
Genome Soldier(Green)
Genome Soldier(Blue)
Genome Soldier(Black)
Genome Soldier(Pink)
Ocelot Unit Male Soldier
Ocelot Unit Female Soldier

The new characters are designed to make online play even more personal and more unique. Which reminds me around five new levels have been created for online purposes only which expands the choice of battle. And with that new game modes have been added-Chat-Isa limited amount of time where you can talk with just your team or everyone about's sooo cool. You can still kill if you like but your battle score in chat will not be carried on in the tournament or game in any way. And in multiplayer battles online you can now take screenshots(photographs) of wahtever you like in that map, you and your friends with unique characters or just by yourself on a rampage! Whatever the case it's there to use-(Really good fun) so use it! One more thing has also been added which I think is the coolest thing on the game. If you click the select button you have a choice to chat using a keypad or using words which are already given...etc but they put this thing in called motion. Now you can select a motion to do wether it's waving, agreeing or dancing you have the choice of around 16(Taunts). this really adds to the effect of online gaming. This game is a definite thumbs up from me.
With all of these new weapons, items, characters, maps and modes it only leaves me with one thing to say...enjoy!
P.S:please take a minute to rate this review or rather guide as it has taken a while (sorry if there are spelling mistakes) to make thanks a lot,