So how do you follow up one of the greatest games on the PS2? With the best game on the PSP of course.
As far as the graphics go they look pretty good, Although its obviously not as great as the PS2 games they aren't hard on the eyes and its no trouble looking around and realising whats what rather than a usual blurry mess.
The music is your typical Metal Gear suspenseful tracks that will suddenly jump into a faster tune if you get seen and then die down when you are hidden. The usual sounds are here from previous games you're weapon changing, bullet sounds and the familiar '!' sounds are all here.
Unlike the two Ac!d games on the PSP this is you're usual sneaking around 'tactical espionage action' or whatever Kojima is calling it and it plays similarly enough to the previous games. Obviously the controls have had to be tweaked with the only major chages being a lock on button with L. and weapons and equipment being moved to the circle button. The only gripe I have with the controls (And this is more the PSP's fault than the games) the analog stick doesn't always feel too comfortable when you're trying to make subtle movements the enemy won't notice.
Much more than the gameplay many people play Metal Gear games for the amazing thought provoking stories that you are served, again I can't go into much detail as it really does make the game much more enjoyable but you're usual Snake goes to stop nuclear weapons is the extreme basics of it. The story isnt as big as a part as it has been in the last few games (don't expect to be sitting for half an hour watching cut-scenes) but its still in-depth enough for fans to enjoy.
Due to the limitations of the UMD space the cut-scenes have been simplified to comic book style story telling. It works alright but you can't help occasionally missing the 3D ones.
Metal Gear Online is revived again for this game and its just as fun as before. Six players plenty of maps using the team you create online sounds great but capturing soldiers in game might just be a love it hate it thing but personally I find it a bit tedious.
The only reason not to get Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops is if you're stretched for cash, Otherwise all I can say stop reading this and get this game as soon as possible.