Just one of the best shooter game on the PSP!!! But I still don't get why this game isn't in the Top Games section......

User Rating: 9.5 | Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops PSP
This game is a MUST HAVE game on the PSP if you like shooter games!! It is a great game to play! It has a good story to it. The cutscenes as the comics images are a little wierd to me but I guess it's pretty cool. This game is pretty hard to find in stores but it is worth looking and buying it. If you finish the game and would like to play more multiplayer mode the Portable Ops + is for you.I just like this game so much! If you are more of a stealth-ish kinda guy then you should try getting Syphon Filter on the PSP then. But I like stealth and just shooting around and hitting people. My first game I ever played was Syphon Filter 2 at the age of 5.... (I know I'm a little too young to be playing rated M games that time, but my family didn't really know much english long ago...) My second game I played was Halo... XD
So you should play this game first if you want to get into the story instead of buying Portable Ops + then getting the original Portbale Ops....