Only Metal Gear Solid Fans Read my Review
for example how and why big boss made OUTER HEAVEN.
and how the philosophers become to patriots.
as a story its very great story and its very important.
some poeple think that portable ops is a simple metal gear like ACID, well thats not true , portable ops has one of the most important story and you will find alot of answers.
and you can see how Gray fox has joined big boss army of outer heaven.
the boss of this game are important in metal gear story and they are fox hound unit.
1- PYTHON : He joined the fox with jack together and he has been trained with the boss too.
2-NULL : He is Gray Fox , here you can see how fox hound made frank to null and erase his memory and make him a perfect soldier.
3-URSELA - ELISA : They are twin with big sorprise and they can read mind and see the future - and elisa tell big boss that he will made his oun metal gear and his children will save the world.
4-CUNNIGHAM : He is Arms Specialist.
5-GENE : He is the final boss and he is very faster , his power is mind washer.
so if you are metal gear fan , you must play it and end it.
if you wanna know the diffrent between MPO with MPO+ , look for my review in MPO+