Best PSP Game out to date!
But for those who doubt my words, here are some to convince you. Amazing graphics, comparable to those of even PS2. The gameplay is amazing. Its not as mission driven as the console games, as you can go to any level you want and recruit soldiers, look for new weapons, or just kick some @$$. The music is also amazing, it keeps your blood pumping at all times. Controls translate great despite not having 2 analog sticks, but they DO require a little time to adjust if you've never played a Metal Gear Solid game. One other flaw is the comic book cutscenes, if you would even consider THAT a flaw. They are very well drawn, and all the familiar voices of the Metal Gear Solid crew are back. Though not as cinematic as the console games, they are shorter, making the game concentrate on the gameplay more, and they do get the point across. If you've read this far in my review, I ask you one question: "Why?" Go out and buy the game this instant! If you don't, you'll be missing out. The game has all the strategy, action, explosions, drama, and guns (lots of guns... and TNT too) to keep you occupied for a month. If you can't buy it, I recommend robbing a gamestore, or stealing the game from your friend. It's that good.