A great fun metal gear title to the PSP. The reason y big name of the industry should hit the PSP
+ Graffics 9/10
+Weapon library 9/10
+Difficulty 10/10
+story 9/10
+Cut scenes uniqueness 8.5/10
+Controls 9/10
+dialogue 9/10
+Turotials 8/10
+gameplay experience 8.5/10
+/- Multipalyer 7.5/10
+/- Lenght 7/10
+/-originality 7/10
-play it agian when done 6.5/10
+ plus one for only one con
Total 108.5 +bonus /130
Helix rating 8.4 /10
Were all different in rating some are fans so there ratings might b to generous. I dont hate and love one type of game. Tried to be the less biased possible.
If u read this take the time to agree with me or disagree. I hope u enjoyed my shared opinion.