MGS: PO is up there with the best of the best!It deserves the MGS title and it wont let any MGS fan down.
User Rating: 10 | Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops PSP
The moment I saw the opening comic book style cutscene,I knew this game was going to be special and it is that and more.This is an important piece of BB history.You will love the story just as much as any of the great games in the series.The controls are actually quite comfortable once you get used to them and the new recruiting feature was a damn good idea.The graphics are the best I've seen on the PSP.This game also has tremendous replay value,since you can play it through it many times just to keep building and building your army.And plus,there's online play!
Awesome game!As a matter of fact,it's the best the PSP has to offer.I hope they make a sequel to MGS: PO because it blew me away....10/10!!!!!