Different addictive game style, probably one of the best PSP games out there.
The game calls for a lot more strategy than the others, and there is far more to do. The graphics are pretty good (Not far under MGS:3). Decent story, although maybe a little... Cliché. But it's the MGS Cliché we all love so much! The Game play is basically the same, other than a few changes (Such as the item changing command). All these changes are for the good, and work.
The one bone i have to pick with this game is abducting soldiers. It's fun at first, but you have to get quite a few, and after a while... it gets very daunting.
However, this is still a perfect game, a must for any PSP owner! If you do not own this game i highly recommend you go and get it. You will not be disappointed (unless you do not own a PSP or you don't like MGS... in which case... don't get it).