Different addictive game style, probably one of the best PSP games out there.

User Rating: 10 | Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops PSP
This was the first game most people get with their PSP (me included) because really... It's MGS! And the good thing is, unlike other PSP ports, the players are not disappointed!

The game calls for a lot more strategy than the others, and there is far more to do. The graphics are pretty good (Not far under MGS:3). Decent story, although maybe a little... Cliché. But it's the MGS Cliché we all love so much! The Game play is basically the same, other than a few changes (Such as the item changing command). All these changes are for the good, and work.

The one bone i have to pick with this game is abducting soldiers. It's fun at first, but you have to get quite a few, and after a while... it gets very daunting.

However, this is still a perfect game, a must for any PSP owner! If you do not own this game i highly recommend you go and get it. You will not be disappointed (unless you do not own a PSP or you don't like MGS... in which case... don't get it).