Great pack of the first 3 seasons of this "SOUP OPERA"

User Rating: 7 | Metal Gear Solid: The Essential Collection PS2
I've never liked MGS 2, but the price of this package is a good invitation to play it.

The MGS games are good enough, but I don't really like them since they have too much cutscenes, codec calls, and ridiculous things such as the fact that in the middle of a firefight somebody calls you to tell you how much they love you or just to ask personal things about you, that kind of dialogs have no place and seriously I think this is an insult to the intellect of the ones who play this games.

Also in the 3 games you'll find even more stupid parts of the story.

If you ignore that kind of stuff you will find there, burried under layers of useless dialogs 3 good games.

MGS 1 is by far the best it showed to the world what a PSX was capable of doing in terms of graphics and sound, the story is the less ridiculous of the 3 games, it is a very short game but worth the price.

MGS2 was a real mess, one of the reasons why i rejected to buy a PS2 when it was released, bad controls, stupid story, seriously the most stupid story in the history of video games, i wonder what kind of drug did Hideo Kojima smoked when writting it, vampires, talking arms, and the most girlie character in the hisotry of video games are things that are just out of context in a military themed action game, and let's not forget that stupid skateboarding mini game.

MGS 3 is a little less ridicoluos but still a soup opera, the worst controls on the entire MG games.

If MGS 3 was a XBOX 360 game it would be an achievement even to make Snake move fluidly, grabbing a character, etc. The developers tried to copy some movements from Splinter Cell but instead of making them fluid and easy to do, you have to make senseless combinations of movements in order to make something that you should do by just pressing a button.

Spend 20 minutes playing MGS 3 and I dare you not to throw the controller in anger for the frustrating controls.

Also I dare you not to laugh on the intro of the game a bad copy from the intro of 007 movies...

Even when i find the storyline of some games of this series as an insult to human intellect, all 3 games have terrific production values and some really intense moments, that and the fact that this package is very cheap can make a guy like me tolerate all the bad things i find in this games.

I must admit that somethings are really well done in this games, the graphics of MGS 1 are amazing, the graphics in 2 & 3 are not amazing but good enough, the sound is great, and some gameplay elements are innovative.

If you are a fan, buy it, it is worth the buy, if you are not, you may oversee its problems and find a good package here.