guns,explotions, LIGHTING PEOPLE ON FIRE?!?! im in!its a really fun game and series espectially #3

User Rating: 10 | Metal Gear Solid: The Essential Collection PS2
this is a good has good game play and pretty good difficulties.
MGS 1 is pretty tough if you skip through every thing.but aside from that its a really good game.the graphics may be bad for it but thats because its for ps1 so if you buy the EC make sure you buy a ps1 memory card.

now number 2 is the same:if you skip through the cut scenes your gunna get messed up so youll allways wanna be carful i made that mistake in the beggining.the graphics have improved. they look like ps1 and ps2 mixed together.the gameplay is tough on medium because if you get spotted and hid under a table they look and through a grenade in there.the game is still very fun.

number 3...AWSOME graphics.this ones got some mild nudity so this onne really isnt good for kids to watch you play.the game gets funer and tougher as you progress through the game.its a game that will get you to beat it and go through it agian and again and again.

this is a must get for new comers of metal gear solid