Great way to experience the original Metal Gear Solid but not the best way to experiance it ethier.
User Rating: 7.5 | Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes GC
Dont get me wrong Metal Gear Solid The Twin Snakes is a good game and is definetly worth playing. But if you really wanted to experiance the original Metal Gear Solid stick to the original playstation one version, its so much better than this. Now let me start with what this game does well. First off, its story is fantastic pretty much because its the exact samething as the ps1's sttory except that some of the cutscenes have been changed to look cooler. Also the boss fights kick ass and are just a little better than the originals because you can now look in a first person view and shoot were as with the ps1 incarnation you couldn't. Now its time to talk about the bad. The graphics suck in this game. When you look at these graphics and then you compare them to Sons of Liberties you go, "What the Hell happenened here!?" For a game that has been made three years after one of the previous incarnations in the series you would think it would have better graphics, ecspecially since it was made on the gamecube which has a better graphically powerhouse than the ps2's, which is very dissapointing. Also the controls here are horrid. I bought to controlers to see if there was something wrong with my old one but i then relized that it was the games. Esspecially the z button which is for fps view. You really have to hold that button down or it will just keep on switching back and forth between fps view and 3rd person view which really pissed me off in the boss fights and the parts of the game were you have no choice but to fight the gaurds. Another flaw in this game is its difficulty. I played the game on hard and i bressed through it and only died once aganist the final boss because i fell off a ledge even though i had a very hard time with the controls. This game can be beat in just under 7 and a half hours on any difficultly including hard and extreme which isn't a bad thing since this game frustrared me so much. The reason why some people hate this game so much is because of the long cutsecenes but i think people will change their minds when they play this version of the game because it is this games saving grace. Im really dissapionted and to make to the pain of playing this game go away im goin to go play the ps1 version which actually kicks ass and is one of the best games ever made. I give this game a 7.5.