My favorite Metal Gear Solid gets a facelift...

User Rating: 9.4 | Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes GC
Truthfully, after playing all the next-gen games going back to the Play station's graphics was kind of painful. I liked the original so much, but the graphics were just very dated. When I heard about Twin Snakes, I was elated and couldn't wait to play all my favorite parts over again and be able to look without cringing in pain. Though I do love that they did not touch the codec sequences at all. The game is a lot more fun now.

I like the ability to go to first-person to aim. Shooting is now much less of a guessing game. Boss fights are a lot less frustrating. This is the biggest change to the game play, though. Nothing else is that different, besides graphics, of course.

The story in this game is just fun, full of twists, and constantly keeps you on your toes. The story is what really makes this game. It's near cinematic and has really sets the stage for the sequels. Gray Fox is just a sweet-ass character. Otocan... well... let's just say at least he doesn't piss his pants... wait minute...

Anyways, the bosses are all interesting and match Snake in being just plain cool. Each boss fight has something different about it and never become tedious or impossible. Fighting Metal Gear in this game is definitely a lot more fun.

This game retains everything about the original that was desirable and tossed out the bad.