Classic Metal New Gear

User Rating: 8.2 | Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes GC
Metal Gear Solid is back and this time it's on the Gamecube, but it's not a new game, but a remake of the orginal one from the Playstation with new graphics and gameplay. The story is still the same ,but with the MGS2 gameplay mechanics the game is alittle easier though and if you played the original you know how the story ends. The cinematics are way better, but it seems that Snake has seen the Matrix quit a bit since the original. The voice acting is the same and the codec device is also the same. The game does show more blood than the original and the action has been kicked up another notch to about a 9. The game is still true to the original and I think everyone can say that this one is better than MGS2. The long cut-sense though can take up a good chunk of the game and I want to know why is the game still on two discs after about 5 years. The game is good and still is as good as its predacesors.