User Rating: 9.3 | Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes GC
Playing this game gave me a chill down my spine. It took me back all those years to when the original Metal Gear Solid was released. And this remake is just as good, it captures all the atmossphere and creates it perfectly. I seriously cannot find anything wrong with this game. The graphics, which are the only real difference between this and the original are just brilliant. Well, they are pretty much exactly the same as the Metal Gear Solid 2 graphics, but they are much better than those of the original. And no matter what people say about graphics, they make a serious difference to a game, and they do that to this one too. In short, I'm just going to suggest, no, I'm going to tell you, if you are a fan of the series and enjoyed the original MGS, then buy this one, if you didnt enjoy the original I'd still suggest that you buy this game, it really is very good.