Combines MGS plot with MGS2 mechanics, along with new graphics and cutscenes, on the gamecube.

User Rating: 8 | Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes GC
In 1998, Metal Gear Solid for the Playstation launched and quickly became one of the most popular games for the Playstation. About 3 years later, Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty launched, and pretty much reinvented the game with all the new mechanics. So it seems like a pretty logical decision to combine the two, which is exactly what Silicon Knights and Konami did... though this time, they teamed up with nintendo to make it an exclusive for that system, when Metal Gear Solid and Metal Gear Solid 2 were playstation only.

The plot is the same as it was it Metal Gear Solid: Shadow Moses Island, a nuclear disposal facility, has been hijacked by whats called Next Generation Special forces, also known as the "Genome Army", soldiers strenthened by gene therapy, led by members of Foxhound, your former unit that recently went rogue. They claim they have their hands on a nuclear weapon, and will launch if they do not get Big Boss's remains (in order to strengthen the Genome Army). You, as Solid Snake, have been in retirement for the past 6 years in Alaska, and are pulled out of retirement by your former commander officer, also in retirement, Roy Cambell, though he has an alter motive.... because of a recent military draft, his niece, meryl, is being held prisoner, and makes a request, but not order, to rescue her, and you of course accept. Your official mission is to rescue the two hostages, The DAARPA Chief Donald Anderson, and Kenneth Bake, President of a company called Armstech. They you are to find out if the terrorists have the ability to launch a nuke, and stop them if they do. Its hard to get too into the plot without spoiling things, so I will just say that you will go through the game and fight each member of foxhound, and anyone who's ever played a mgs game knows that the boss fights are great. The five members are lead by Liquid Snake, who apparently is your Twin. Metal Gear Solid is known somewhat for its cutscenes. The Twin Snake is no exception, though uses a bit different style then mgs. Very acrobatic, sometimes over the top stunts have been added, matrix like things. These are very cool at times, though sometimes put snake a bit out of character, but otherwise make the cutscenes even more interesting. The gameplay is pretty much taking the mgs enviroments and allowing you to do mgs 2 mechanics, like first person view, rolls, and others. To prevent an unbalance of power, the enemy ai is improved, letting them work as a squad and call for back up. The game has quite a bit of replay value, from two different endings, new costumes, and dog tags (which dissapointingly do nothing, unlike in sons of liberty) and the many different combination of modes, from easy to extreme, radar on or off (hard) and game over if your seen. Extreme, no radar, and discover when seen may be the toughest thing ive ever attempted in a video game, and I only played it for 5 minutes, though will beat it sometime.

The graphics may be the most noticeable change. They are not as good as mgs 2, but better then mgs. They get a big choppy, but are pretty good, expecially in the cutscenes. Some of the face models are a bit wierd, like Snake's colossal nose, but overall are some of the best graphics on the gamecube. The sound is completely redone in this game. Most of the game have the same voice actors, but have redone all their lines. The music is also replayed. Its not too noticeable change, but their are times where you do notice, and some times is better in the TTS, and sometimes in MGS. Some noticeable changes are that all the characters with accents have had the accent toned down, with the exception of Mei-Ling, who has lost it all together. Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes is one of the better remakes of classic games. If you have never played the original and have no intention of finding one off ebay or amazon, you owe it to yourself to try this one, and even if you have played the original, this game is worth playing.