To be a gamer and never play Metal Gear Solid is no gamer at all...
User Rating: 9.4 | Metal Gear Solid (Premium Package) PS
This has one of the most compelling story lines yet to date. The stealth-action genre makes it unique as well. The voice acting is great and playing through is like watching a movie that you're the star of. Some of the games techniques are also very creative ( like the boss fight against Psycho Mantis). The funny thing is that for no matter how old and aged this game may be now, it never gets old and you don't need awesome graphics to appreciate this. If you want to play for the graphics, you might as well pick up Twin Snakes for the Gamecube which is basically the same thing with some different twists. I also like that there can be two endings. This will forever be a video game treasure that should never be underestimated at any point.