Truely a landmark in gaming history. Brilliant gameplay , an in depth story and overall a memorable epic
Unexpected at the time Metal Gear Solid presented very long cutscenes and codec conversations that make up at least half of the play time hours. This added to the uniqueness and put across an inticing in depth story that not only draws you in but makes the experience that bit more epic.
Having completed 2 & 3 before their predecessor, simply because I didn't have this game when I was younger, gave the game a strange feeling of nostalgia; even though it's the first in the series. Scenes from each Metal Gear seem to mirror each other. for example in MGS1 at the begining there is a scene where it shows Snake going up an elevator taking off his mask and getting equipped, in MGS2 there's an almost uncanny scene where Raiden does the same. These links give the games a certain atmosphere that will never fail to impress and please.
This game at the time definatly was flawless and I mean it in every sense of the word.
Can you feel that? . . . that emptiness inside of you ? . . . WELL THEN YOU PROBABLY HAVEN'T PLAYED THIS GAME, HAVE YOU! You're missing out if you haven't played or don't have this game. So I advise you grow a pair of balls, BE A MAN, walk out that door and purchase this game immidietly.
Les Enfates Terrible !
Fission Mailed . . .