I felt like I was playing a Super Nintendo game, and it is more fun than most of those too along with most games in general. It's extremely sophisticated for such an old game and the only flaws are a few annoyances although they're easily forgivable. For example, some of the things you have to do you could never know to do them and have to look them up online. I'm talking about being in a specific room to call someone who leaves a necessary weapon in another random room to kill a boss that you wouldn't think is a boss and wouldn't know you have to kill.... Very frustrating....
But it's better than being babied as you are in current gen games and apart from that it's extremely satisfying. Unless you're stuck wondering what to do you are never bored.
Never in gaming did you have to use your head so much, there are so many new aspects introduced in this game. I'd say more but I really don't think it's worth more than 5 minutes of time to review such an old game... haha. In other words, it's the best of its time.
Back in the late 1980's, Konami asked one of its developers, Hideo Kojima, to make a combat-oriented game for the MSX. The fact the game would be on the MSX, and not the more powerful Nintendo Entertainment System, crea... Read Full Review
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Metal Gear review by Simon a.k.a. [TheDevilDweller] --------------------------------------------------------------... Read Full Review