If your a hardcore fan of the metal gear games you will like the very first one you meet some key charcters through out the seris.your commanding officer is bigg boss he will contact you during the game and give you combat advice you will also meet greyfox one of the series key characters and you will encoutner metal gear only onn the MSX version. The stealth system works really well for an old game like this the gaurds are very good at patroling the base the codec works really well and teh sound effects are really good.If you are a huge metal gear fan then you will love this game if you are not to bigg on retro games then i would not reccomend this game to you overall this is one of the best mgs games of all time.
Back in the late 1980's, Konami asked one of its developers, Hideo Kojima, to make a combat-oriented game for the MSX. The fact the game would be on the MSX, and not the more powerful Nintendo Entertainment System, crea... Read Full Review
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Metal Gear review by Simon a.k.a. [TheDevilDweller] --------------------------------------------------------------... Read Full Review