Although there are many people who will call the MSX version a BETTER game, its Konami/Ultra's version on the Nintendo platform that actually BROUGHT the game into super-popularity, and made it one of the best-selling N.E.S. games of the 1980's. LONG before "Metal Gear," became the super high-tech, CGI pioneering, story-filled sneak and shoot game that it is today, Konami/Ultra only had eight bits to work with. But they made eight bits go a LONG way; the game was of longer length than many other games at the time, and therefore, included a helpful save system so players wouldn't have to lose their place in the game. With many different weapons to choose from, different enemies and obstacles to face, and many different puzzles to solve, "Metal Gear" was definitely the foundation for many hiding, shooting, and seeking video games that exist today. The only downside of the game, IS the last boss. Taken right from the pages of "Tron," the last boss is called Master Computer. All it does is occasionally shoot wimpy gun shots at Solid Snake while low-level grunts try to hit you; and despite its HIGH health, it can be taken out pretty easily. But the game's strength is the amount of challenge it takes to GET to the end, not the challenge that waits AT the end. This game did so well, a sequel WAS actually made for the NES, called "Solid Snake: Metal Gear II" in 1990. But it didn't come anywhere NEAR the level of challenge or enjoyability that this game did. And so "Metal Gear" had to wait until much later in the 1990's before it could enjoy a comeback. :idea: Enough said! ;)
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