Well, as M. Bison once said: "YES!! YES!!"
Gameplay: The gameplay is that of a typical RPG...sort of. You battle enemies in a turn based fashion, explore the world, play minigames and such. Only this time, when it comes to the battles, you have the choice of fighting your enemies in Tanks!! Some enemies are so gigantic, that they make your Tanks and Party Members look like Ants. No joke. I am very serious. They also have the strength to back up they're size. This is NOT an easy game. Although I suppose it's somewhat forgiving compared to other RPGs, because if you die, you don't get a Game Over Screen]. Instead, you get revived by a Mad Scientist.
Story: It goes like this: A long time ago, Humanity was dying out, so they created a Super Computer called Noah to assist them. Noah's answer to Man's problems, however, was to exterminate them. Eventually, a Hunter (Monster Hunter), destroyed Noah and (sort of) saved the world. After many years, the Earth is starting to recover, slowly, but surely. Now, you play as a Young Man (He can be renamed) who wants to be a Hunter. You explore the World from his point of view, having many adventures.
Something fun: This game is very non-linear, meaning that you can do anything you want. You can even end the game about a minute after starting it.
Music: The music in this game is...well, hit or miss. Some tracks are good, some aren't. That's just my opinion though.
Final Word: This is an excellent game, although it's not for everyone. If your bored or just seeking a new game to play, you should at least try it out.
Written by DarkTheThief