Metal Slug 3 is coming to the Xbox
User Rating: 7.7 | Metal Slug 3 XBOX
Headline: Metal Slug 3 is coming to the Xbox METAL SLUG 3 REVIEW By: StarFry64 Games like Metal Slug 3 are classics but never have been remade for a console. SNK developed and published a new version for Metal Slug 3 for the Xbox. This new version is definately fun to play. The tilt is very easy to understand once you played the first level a few times and used to get around the controls. But the tilt gets harder for you later on the game which makes one of these games one of the hardest. The sound really hasn't been made better but it's fun to hear the announcer mispronounce "Rocket launcher!" once again and the explosions. The graphics are 2D but during one of the big battles, explosions, and etc. are great to look at. So what can I say, it is a fun game but not to buy, rent it. Even though the gameplay is fun sometimes it gets hard. Xbox Live is in this game but oinly for Leaderboards and that is it. It's pretty sad they didn't add Co-Op, Deathmatch, or something fun to play online then just add Leaderboards. Overall, like I said rent it.