METAL SLUG GENRA is one of my faves of the arcades series. sadly, it doesen't live on as good anymore. But this brings b
GAMEPLAY - Gameplay Rocks! Weapon effects are great and effective. You get infinite amount of lives and an infinite amount of checkpoints. I don't know about check points but the lives are good concidering that its IMPOSSIBLE TO BEAT THIS GAME WITHOUT DYING ONCE EACH LEVEL!!! Rating: 05/05 pts.
Story - There is no story! All that you know is that some rad rebellion is going on. But, maybe it shouldn't have much of a story anyways
Rating: 02/05 pts.
GAMEPLAY GRAPHICS - Graphics are exactly like the original Slugs! This helps with the gameplay
Rating: 04/05 pts.
MOVIE GRAPHICS - There is no story. There is no movie. But its not there fault
Rating: 03/05 pts.
SFX - SFX are not gonna get much better. its supposed to give a sort of cartoony feel, and it pretty much does
Rating: 04/05 pts.
Music - It provides a very heavy metal toon to jaz to as you go through the level destroying people
Rating: 05/05 pts. Length - In all (MS 4 & 5), there are 11 levels that you might be able to beat each withing 15 - 20 minutes. Thats about 5 or 6 hours - Not VERY LONG, HUH!
Rating: 1/5 pts.
Difficulty - Its Ultra Googaplex Omega Stratum Hard!!! So its a good thing you get an infinite amount of lives.
Rating: 3/5 pts.
Extra Stuff - They try so hard to make it look like theres a great extra features, but there aren't. You can collect items along your way and view them in a gallery.
Rating: 1/5 pts.
Controls - Controls are perfect. I couldn't be more proud
Rating: 5/5 pts.
Overall 33/50 pts. That puts METAL SLUG 4 & 5 at a 6.6...
Bonus points for being so fun: 4 Total: 7.0