Metal Slug is definitely one of the best games I've ever played... My love for the Metal Slug series all started... :)

User Rating: 8.8 | Metal Slug 4 & 5 XBOX
Outstanding, superb, great, fantastic etc...
If any of you ever played the Metal Slug series on PC (NeoGeo emulated... ooow naughty me :)) you will probably love the series...
If not.... GO TO YOUR LOCAL GAMESHOP AND BUY THIS GAME(S)! Cause you don't know what you're missing.

The only thing I hate about the console version is that if you play it on your tv (which 99% does) the screen is a bit... how do you say... not sharp... I don't mean all the pixels, but it seems like it has a kind of color problem.

But who gives a damn? It's about the gameplay right?

Ow yeah, some sites have reviews about Metal Slug 3D, but I think it'll be a **** game after all... Metal Slug should stay 2D! High-Res would be great!