Metal Slug 4 is in short (short being a very fitting word for the game) amazing and wildly entertaining.

User Rating: 8.1 | Metal Slug 4 & 5 XBOX
I recently bought the game here in Norway, unfortunately metal slug 5 has not yet been released, so i just have to stick with this for a while. Now, metal slug 4 is a typical "love it or hate it" affair, and i kinda understand people who hate the series, they ARE extremely short and the graphics are not spectacular. I pity them, because the series are so playable, easy to get into and insanely addictive for everyone. Now the graphics are not XBOX360 standard to say the least, but it provides the unshakeable retro feeling you get while playing such games. The sound is also very good, apart from when you shoot the zombies in one of the later missions, again the sound contributes to a very good retro gaming experience. The only thing i have against these games are the fact that they are way too short, and they can be cleared in under an hour, regardless of gaming skills, all thanks to the unlimited continue feature. The game is funny and it is filled with classic gameplay that i know and love from the series. Again yes, the game is very short but you will replay it again and again, and again and again and again and AGAIN, simply because it is so great gaming. The game also gets some extra credit for the two player co-op mode that enables great two player fun for all ages. I highly recomend buying this game if you are a fan like me.