Perfect Emulation to the arcade classics, but its missing something.
The gameplay is good if not better since it is running on the power house of a console we call Xbox. The controls make it way easier to shoot than the arcade machine, that I actually feel more comfortable playing at home. Thank god this is 2 players or it would get pretty boring pretty fast though. I think the unlimited credits really killed any challenge unlike Metal Slug 3.
The graphics feel better as well, all the sprites are colorful and very vivid. The levels have very interesting backgrounds as well, as enemies and of course monsterous bosses.
The sound is good as always. Its inviting just like the arcade and its not annoying in many ways. The music in Metal Slug 5 though is something to really mention though as it doesnt sound all MIDI and sounds more Instrumental Rock like. Very good for the playing experience. My biggest problem with this installation of the Metal Slug series, is that both of the games felt rather short. Although the levels are fairly immense, they are short and its mostly for the unlimited credits. Other than that, the replay value is through the roof. I´ve played them both over 50 times.
So overall, I believe that Metal Slug 4 and 5 is just an emulation that is very good, but would have been better had they added some mini games, a limit to your lives, and maybe better storylines. But MS isn´t that in the first place