A must rent. In my opinion, a better Contra.
The game has great gameplay. Anyone that picks this game up will know how to play it. This is one reason why this game is so fun, it is easy to learn and play. All you do is shoot, shoot up, jump, and throw bombs. Simple, yet fun.
Now with the Wii, it is different. Basically, you will have good control. You can have classic arcade, tilt the Wii remote, nunchuck only, using the GCN controller, and using the Wii remote regularly. This is a big addition to the game. But, there is a problem. Nothing makes this game a must-buy for the Wii. Using the Nunchuck is hard and to me, unplayable, using the Wii is even harder and confusing. I use regular because that is the only thing that will make me use what the Wii can do. Which for this game, not much.
I give the gameplay a 7.0, because Metal Slug has fun arcade gameplay, but it does nothing for the Wii version.
Of course, the graphics in this day are not good, but they simply don't have to. These games are old, and looked great back then. I don't have a problem with the graphics, and I like them. Nice special effects, to. Not much to say about the graphics. They are the same with all 7 games.
I give the graphics a 7.0 also. It has old graphics, which may turn a few off, but overall good graphics for a game as old as this.
Great arcade like music. Like many arcade titles, no voice acting, which is fine because there is basically no talking in the game. The only problem, which is not really a problem, is that the sound overall doesn't stick out, with will not give it a high rating as it could have been. Overall, decent sound.
I give the sound a 6.0, because it doesn't do much to wow the player.
I got to tell you, this is one of the best rents of my life. Why? Because you can easily beat this in one playthrough. It takes about 1 hours, give or take, to beat each of the 7 games available. The gameplay options definitely boost, but the only people really to try that are the people who bought the game. Also, the multiplayer. Two words: very fun. You can always have great fun playing with a friend. This is the best way a person will play this game a long time, and probably the only way.
I give the value an 8.0, because it is a 7-8 hour game, it has different control options, and the great multiplayer.
There is not much to do in the game. There are 7 games all together, which are given to you without unlocking them, but there is also a gallery section and many more unlockables. You unlock these by getting tokens, 4, each time you beat a game. But, not much tilt to have here.
I give the tilt a 7.0, because of the many unlockables.
Overall, this game should be a rent and nothing else. Metal Slug fans should definitely buy this game, but no one else. Multiplayer is awesome, and overall the game is just good. To me, a game better than Contra overall.