Metal slug is one of the best arcade titles I've played and one that I don't mind pumping my coins into (at that time). The wackiness of the whole neo-Nazi thing just hit the right spot on my funny bones. Even if you're not its fan, this anthology is still worth a buy given that you can play it as a casual game once in a while. Even if you suck at arcade shooters (me, actually), you still can have a shot at completing a game simply due to its beauty of unlimited continues, six games in all.
Also, this may be the perfect old-school collector's item for those who are even just acquainted with the Metal Slug series. However, the premium price may be a little steep for a compilation that can be completed in less than a few hours, and I guess it may have dropped to a bargain price now, so go check it out if you're looking for a game that's not too demanding.
Metal Slug is special; there's a complicated story, but you don't need to know any of it; every game is the same, but still entertaining; most of all, it's difficult, but you always come back for more. Control is resp... Read Full Review
I will make this fairly short, even though it seems everything has been said about the Metal Slug series. If you are not familiar with it, well, what are you waiting for, you fool! No seriously, Metal Slug is the epitome... Read Full Review