A perfect homage to the days of Contra and side-scrolling shooters alike!
User Rating: 8 | Metal Slug Anthology PSP
For those that do not know, the Metal Slug series was a great series in the arcades, and just as well on home consoles. The only problem is that in the arcades, you would end up spending your life savings on these games, as they are all quite difficult, but quite addictive at the same time! Each game builds upon its prequel, and there are certainly not a lack of weapons to be had throughout each of these games. The greatest thing about the Anthology, however, is that you truly get 7 games in one! Each game is worth checking out in its own right, but finally they are all released together in one package! As far as side-scrolling shooters go, this will certainly rank amongst the most difficult...but nothing short of rewarding as you finally crack the end boss and save the day! A good buy, especially due its massive gameplay content!