What, this is what all that hype was about.
You drag stuff to create lines. Its a typical puzzle game with the stylus. To its credit, using the stylus is fluid and controls well. In game you try to launch your blocks off the screen and at your opponent. The more meteos you line up, the bigger the push.
As a Tetris Attack loving gamer, I found the gameplay average at best. I'll go back to playing my SNES any day.
Feels like GBA graphics with a good backdrop. That is not an insult. The game does look nice for a puzzle game, and I completely think the graphics fit the game. I feel the DS could do more, but, it hasn't shown much potential anyway in the graphics department.
The music was forgettable, explosions average, and I really don't remember much else.
Though the music was forgettable, I don't remember them (lol) being bad or anything. I doubt it will impair the game experience.
Its a short game with multiple paths. I'm giving this game a high value because it has so much to it, though I doubt many people will trudge through it all.
The game has no grab. I remember some subpar story about evil meteos. I know puzzle games don't need good stories, like Tetris Attack had a crappy story. Its just that Tetris Attack had a grab this game doesn't for me. Maybe its because I played Tetris Attack way toooooo much.
Meh. For a puzzle game I found it distinctly average. I play Tetris Attack to this day and have yet to find a replacement. I know that affected my score, but I have to compare it to my favorites because they are in the same genre. This puzzle game is good for people who need a puzzle game, if you don't then you can pass this one up.