meteos is a game with high replay value, if only because of the multiplayer option.
meteos is an addictive and engrossing puzzle game. blocks called meteos (appropriately enough) fall down from the top of the bottom screen and start to stack up. you have no control over where the blocks fall, but you can move the blocks up and down once they become part of the stack at the bottom of the screen. the best way to do this is to use the stylus. it can be done using the d pad and the a button, but i wouldn't recommend it. the point of the game is to line up three or more matching blocks either horizontally or vertically; every time you do this the row will launch into the air, taking along any blocks stacked above it and making the stack smaller and easier to manage (thus prolonging game time). however, the weight of the blocks and the ease by which they can can be cleared off the screen vary from stage to stage. for some stages, the blocks will be heavier and you will need to form row upon row of block just to be able to launch; for some a single row will practically vaporize blocks off the screen. a game ends when the bottom screen is filled with meteos, or when time runs out (depending on your game settings. there's also a game setting that gives you varying goals (for example, "launch 30 H20 (blue) meteos" or "launch 100 meteos at once") to complete within a set amount of time. for these timed games, holding down either shoulder button is useful as it speeds up the falling blocks.
the meteos you launch into the sky turn into currency that you can use in a separate menu (fusion) to buy extra content (planets, items, sounds, rare metals). when you buy planets you actually buy specific stages of the game. this is useful if you want to stock up on certain meteos (different planets drop different meteos, so you can use the deluge game setting and choose a planet that will drop the meteos of your choice to augment your collection of meteos accordingly) and also if you want an edge during multiplayer games. since each stage (or planet) behaves differently (different meteos weights, different gravity, different bottom stack size), you can choose the one you're most comfortable with or the one that will wreak the most havoc on the other planets being used by your opponents (i recommend using a planet with little or meteos in common with the others). items add to the game by making it a little unpredictable, much in the way items are used, for example, in tetris ds or mario kart ds.
although this game is already great and original as a single player game, the multiplayer is where you get the most out of it. i've played with up to three other people, and the game difficulty increases with each added person. strategy also comes into play when choosing which planet to use against each other.
meteos is a game with high replay value, if only because of the multiplayer option (it does get boring after a while if you just play on your own). the only thing to watch out for is the damage it might cause to your touch screen, as the falling meteos do tend to stress you out especially towards the end of a round when they start falling faster and faster. my ds screen protector is premanently scratched because of this game. ultimately i give this game an 8.5/10. some things i would have wanted (which would have bumped up the score): horizontal sliding (they addressed this in meteos: disney magic), the ability to store and use items at will, and button use integration (by this i mean have the buttons be more than just an alternate way to move meteos) just to make things a little bit more complicated.
(originally from my blog: