Meteos is 1 hell of an addictive game.

User Rating: 9.4 | Meteos DS
Meteos is a fun, addictive, cool, tetris like game , but its Not even near a tetris like game. is a puzzle game with a story about an evil planet sending blocks of meteos. a small race fights of to defeat the meteos, making the races join force and finally destroy the evil planet meteo.. a rather funny story in some way. there are loads of different planets you can play on with different gravitational pull, music and presentation on all.
the game has plenty of modes, stroy, time, even an infinative mode kinda. if you like puzzle games you will love this.

-Really good multiplayer
-Cool music and presentation

-DS needs to be calibrated well
-Althought there are loads of modes, some see the same.

Easy to use. but gets anoying at times, sometimes you press on the wrong meteo block.

Simple graphics, but nothing flashy is needed. has a cool intro.

I love the sound. evry planet has there own music genre. hip hop, pop, rock, RnB, Techno etc. my favourate part of the game infact. has its own DJ room thing, kinda fun. would have been good if they expanded on that feuture althought its unnesisary but could have made it like electroplankton.

Worth it because of its modes and fun multiplayer

cool game, multiplayer makes it that extra addictive. if you dont now what game to get out of tetris, magnetica, pokemon trozie. get this game. addictive and just ... cool.