poor pc optimization is what really blasts this game off my high marks otherwise not too shabby.

User Rating: 7 | Metro 2033 PC
video: this game ISNT ment for the pc. heck most people with large monitors who dont have money invested in crossfire/sli'd cards wont see this game maxed out on high resolutions (anything higher than the 1600 x 1200 area)
its not that its demanding its just that they didn't try to test the hardware they just went with what worked. furthermore i see a good case of we luv team green going on in its system requirements. like seriously no ati hd 5000 series support. ARE YOU JOKING ME! thats like 45% of the current pc player base atm the rest either ride the curb, are waiting on the gtx 400 series or are so old they dont qualify. but nothing ever feels bad here always.. solid enough that i cant complain about the work.

anyway that aside.
storyline wise this game is strong.. certainly nothing epic to discuss but its strong enough that its safe to say that it follows the book bang on.
environment is as it should be.. gunmetal grey post-apocaliptic moscow (like seriously will we ever see a post apocalyptic game that isnt war torn.... itd be nice, all i'm saying)

sound works well and everything is pretty top notch here. if you have a solid pc audio setup it will roar like thunder that i can promise you.

gameplay: the gameplay here is odd to discuss. its solid enough that it doesnt suck. but combat feels more like ending useless freaks miserable lives than it does actual combat with mutants and survivors (or how i imagine it to be). its like the developers worked so hard making this game match the book that there fingers got cramped and had to phone it in on rewarding combat and competent AI. seriously i think i've had more fun with a gun playing in chicken shoot(reviews on the run worst game of the decade) than this.

all in all though this is a solid game but if its in your power GET IT ON A CONSOLE.. thats it plain and simple.
russians do battle on 7 street corners.. out of 10