Metro 2033 is an excellent game that has a perfect balance of fear with action especially in a FPS genera.
The elemental factors that were add in Metro give a since of realism. This includes everything from stepping on broken glass in which the sound alerts your enemies, to your gas mask being destructible to your lamp and night vision requiring charge to work and having to stop and use your universal charger to provide the energy for them to work . Light is also a key factor as you can extinguish lamps and shoot out bulbs to mask your approach through enemy territory. The damage system is also unique as you will heal over time like most FPS but the process is slow and if you are in immediate danger you can use health kits to save your life. One thing worth mentioning is that this game has a high difficulty even in the normal setting so it requires some patience and planning to conquer.
There are a few negative issues I saw within the game however. One being with the ending; the storyline is great however the ending is convoluted and does not do a good job of explaining several key elements that are present throughout the story. Also the last segment of the game is rather annoying and in my opinion not needed. There are no boss fights and the one factor that stood out is that the enemies repeat the same phrases over and over during fight scenes.
Despite these issues Metro 2033 is an excellent game that has a perfect balance of fear with action especially in a FPS genera. Some levels you will enjoy the thrill of the battle while others you will be hoping that nothing is around the corner and the deep menacing growl was just the wind. The last thing I want to mention that really surprised me was how small the studio was that produced this game. The credits literally lasted 30 seconds instead of 20mins like most games. Even with that said the talent put into this game was amazing and I highly recommend it to any FPS fan.