An amazing game inspired by an amazing book. This game is so underrated it isn't funny. One of my favorite shooters.
Let's start with the story,
In the year 2033, mankind has turned to the Metro train tunnels for refuge after a nuclear war that has decimated the world above. The people face the threat of mutants, other people with different political views (Communists, Nazis) and the ever present but elusive Dark Ones. As you progress through the game things get weirder and weirder (in a good way), you are tasked to seek help from a neighbouring city from your old friend Hunter. Things then go from bad to worse as you face off against mutants, other survivers and Dark Ones. I won't delve into what happens in the story too much because I don't want to ruin it for people who haven't played it or read the book, I'll just say that as you go through the game and learn of the Dark Ones true intentions and why they communicate with you is well worth it.
I give the story a 10/10, the journey Artyom takes to carry out Hunters orders, and the back story of the Dark Ones is one of the best in recent games.
The sounds and music in the game are simply incredible. They help create a truly disturbing atmosphere and experience. Everything from creepy noises, mutants, Russians conversing and gun shots sound genuine and amazing. 9/10 score for the sound.
At first glance the graphics might not seem like all that much, but the attention payed to detail is second to none. Creatures, humans and weapons are beautifully detailed but the real star of the show is the Metro itself. The isolating and oppressive darkness fills one with a sense of dread and helplessness. In the few occasions when you get to venture out onto the surface you still feel the crushing oppression. Gun shots give off good looking sparks and light, the outside world is bleak and frozen in time and is captured wonderfully by the graphics engine. From your flashlight piercing darkness to mutated flowers opening up and illuminating a small area, it all adds to the ambience and atmosphere of this world. 9/10 score for graphics.
It is completely subjective that Metro's gameplay is slow or can be boring. In my opinion it's perfect for the world you feel so alone in. In Metro you can run in guns blazing and shoot everything/everyone in the head or you can take a more stealthy approach. The game rewards exploration. Even if levels seem very straight forward and to the point, odds are there's hidden tunnels, rooms, passages, etc you've missed that can hide some of the games most rewarding items or discoveries. Money is a precious commodity in Metro, it takes the form of military grade bullets that survived the nuclear war. Money isn't all that common so it forces you to ration and not throw all your money away on one pistol or a few dirty bullets. There's always new guns, throwing knifes, and at a couple of points new armor to buy, so it keeps variety without straying from the fact that they have to build all their own gear in the Metro. The game features gun fights, mutant attacks (full frontal assaults and in the shadows away from civilization), and you are even subjected to visions/hallucinations from the Dark Ones. Gameplay gets a 9/10 score.
Overall I highly recommend this game to any FPS and Horror fan, or just anyone who appreciates a good story crafted with intense atmosphere. I hope you enjoyed my review of Metro 2033. Buy the game and book.