Incredible Story and awesome atmosphere, but buggy and flawed
The weapons are well designed and fit the apocalyptic simplicity, however weapons feel bland and recoil is poorly done. Combat is fun and firefights in the metro require extensive planning and tactical decisions. Enemies are usually smart and stay behind cover, however AI don't do things that you'd expect, such as using the darkness for cover or shooting lights.
Environments are unique and very well designed. The excellent graphics engine does a great job in presenting the old and rusted metro. The environment dynamically affects combat, but glitches and bugs constantly remove the environment as a weapon by distorting the stealth system and enabling AI to see you in the pitch black.
A few drawbacks aside from those previously mentioned include: Long redundant cart rides from one part of the metro to another, glitches can result in unrealistic moments and can break immersion, it can get too dark sometimes but not often, and ammo as currency defeats the purpose of spending money to get ammo.
Some unique features aside from those previously mentioned: Healing system is realistic, over ground environments are awesome and well created, monsters are unique and varied.
This game is dragged down with bugs and weak gunplay, But it picks itself back up with a wonderful story and brilliant atmosphere.