It's a beautiful girl with a nice voice that can tell a decent narrative..and that's about it.
Where it shines in its visual presentation, audio presentation and plot delivery it fails to deliver in every other aspect. The game lacks freedom with the level design succumbing to extreme linearity both underground and above ground which breaks the game's immersion and atmosphere that was initially created with the aforementioned features.
It's not a game that will be indulged by the impatient. A considerable amount of time is spent waiting. Many times your progression will be halted as you wait for you ally to catch up with you and open a door for you to advance, as apparently your character doesn't have this ability.
The game did a couple of nice things with certain enemies, giving them a unique appearance and behavioural qualities. For example, nerves and paranoia settled in when you are underground in complete darkness with the only available light source being a flashlight, fighting off mutated creatures which retreat once lit. In addition, having former enemies as allies when fighting larger enemies near the end of the game was a nice touch. Unfortunately, these moments were far and few between, consequently leaving you with a sour taste in your mouth of 'what could have been'.
In addition, the 'final battle' was completely underwhelming and unoriginal. In spite of that, the plot conclusion, though certainly not worthy of being dubbed as revolutionary, wasn't necessarily forgettable either, as the game gave you a concluding emotionally driven choice between salvation or sacrifice. As the credits roll, appropriate music plays which lets you reflect on the events that just transpired.
All things considered, the game clearly has potential, and despite some of the quality that it presents, it really isn't enough to outweigh its negatives.