I beat Metroid Dread in 8 hours. Nobody should dish out $60.00 for a game that you can beat in 8 hours.. maybe a survival horror game.. but Metroid? All the Metroidvania games I play take dozens of hours to beat. Length isn't the only reason I gave this game a 6. The EMMI zones are annoying and just like every other reviewer says, it slows down the pace of the game. EMMI's are invincible enemies that hunt you down until you get the power to kill them but you always have to sneak past them first. The game is very difficult for a Metroid game, the bosses are tough but it's not like fair tough it's more like, controls aren't as precise, get hit a few times tough. You have to know enemy boss patterns to survive which require multiple attempts. The last boss took me about 20 tries because each phase I had to learn and die while doing so. This isn't a BAD game, it just lacks in certain areas and being a 40 year old franchise you would think the game would of evolved alot more than it has. It's worth $30 at most.
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