This Metroid game will scare the crap out of you. Be afraid. Be VERY afraid.

User Rating: 9.5 | Metroid Fusion GBA
Back in 2002, Nintendo revived the Metroid brand with the one-two punch of Metroid Prime for the GameCube and Metroid Fusion for the GBA. Prime was a huge-open world FPS, while Fusion stays true to it's roots. Metroid Fusion is an excellent entry in the long-running Metroid series, and it will not disappoint long-time fans. Fusion looks like Super Metroid on the go, and that's pretty much what it is. This is also the first time that we are introduced to a major Metroid story and also the first game where our star-of-the-show, Samus Aran goes under a ton of character development. It's also one of 4 Metroid games where she talks as well(the other 3 are: Super Metroid, Other M and Zero Mission). Fusion controls very well and plays very well, but you can't aim in all 8 directions like in Super Metroid. This is a very huge game, there are tons of items to find in this game, there are 20 energy tanks in total, and tons of missile upgrades, so don't be suprised if this game keeps you busy. This game also turns it up a notch by becoming Resident Evil scary. Yes, this game will scare the crap out of you. The music is creepy, the bosses ambush you from out of nowhere, and the SA-X is enough to give you nightmares. This Metroid game feels more like a survival horror game than a usual Metroid game, but instead there are lots of items to collect. One other problem with Fusion is that it is painfully difficult. This is possibly the 2nd hardest Metroid game without a doubt, so Fusion is no walk in the park. Overall, this game is worth picking up and a good game for the GBA library. This is a good game, but it cannot touch Super Metroid in a million years.