Nintendo took the gameplay from Super Metroid and made one of the best games for the GBA

User Rating: 9 | Metroid Fusion GBA
It was totally cool playing this game when it came out. Metroid Fusion will remind players of the classic Super Metroid. This game also just was an excellent added bonus that it was released with the near perfect Metroid Prime for the GC. Nintendo finally revitalized this excellent series and did it in a huge way. Fusion adds more story than previous Metroid games and that in my opinion is a good thing. There is plenty of exploration still to be had in Fusion despite the fact that the game encourages you to move on to the next plot point. Samus is infected with a parasite named X that fuses with her suit at the beginning of the game. The graphics and sound are wonderful for a GBA game and definitely has the look and feel of Super Metroid. Most of the weapons and moves are in Fusion excluded the grapple beam. But Samus now has the ability to grab ledges which is knd of cool. The game is loaded with screen sized bosses and produces a good challenge. The only problems with this game was the short length which you can complete in 5 to 10 hours of gameplay. You also can't skip the cut scenes which kind of sucks if you want to play through it again. But on the plus side I didn't really mind the length because I had to play MP at the time. Overall this was an excellent game when I originally played it and thank goodness Nintendo made it because it took them forever to make Super Metroid available again.