Great game that is just misunderstood by many. And they fail to see what this game really did for the series.
User Rating: 8 | Metroid II: Return of Samus GB
This game did allot for the metroid series but many just shrug it off. this game is an amazing metroid game(my favorite in fact) and an amazing gameboy game.. while the game lacks in the story and SFX departments, it makes up for in awesome gameplay and exploration. this game really goes back to the original metroid in the sense that it just drops you in the middle of a planet and says "go". This is an amazing part of the game because it totally leaves the game to you... Unfortunately though, some areas have a un-passable lava pit until you kill all of the metroids in said area, this kinda hurts the game play but i think its because of the memory limitations of the gameboy. This is one of the games that you can replay over and over to:speed run and find all the secrets that hide in the dark caverns of the planet SR388. even thought this wasn't the best metroid game, it really helped the series vault forward and made it into the metroid games we have today.